Conversation about Compliment

Conversation about Compliment

Adrian : Hey! Fadlan
Fadlan : Hey hey! dude
Adrian : Is it true? What the newspaper                       headline said?
Fadlan : What news?
Adrian : The news about you winning the                      National Basketball Competition?
Fadlan : Yeah! That's me
Adrian : Ohh, that's great, what you're                           position in basketball?
Fadlan : My position in basketball is Small                   Forward
Adrian : Small Forward? Like KD?or                              LeBron?
Fadlan : Yeah, Just like that
Adrian : Ohh, I'm very happy for you
Fadlan : Hehehe, Thank you.What are you                   doing in here?
Adrian : I'm just looking for Akbar
Fadlan : Akbar is in the rooftop
Adrian : Ohh ,okey!
Fadlan : Okay,i got to go because so many                     things to do,goodbye.
Adrian : Goodbye


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